Educational philanthropy

Children are excluded from education for many reasons. Variety of factors such as socio-economic background, geographic location, and gender. Poverty remains one of the most obstinate barriers, with children from the poorest households almost five times more likely to be out of primary school than those from the richest. So, Ethiopian Aims to engage in Education philanthropy to encounter education inequality in Africa.

  • Make learning environments accessible for the most deprived children

We will contribute to Improve quality for access of education, making learning environments accessible for the most deprived children both physically and economically by giving financial support, establishing classroom, delivering school materials to students and feeding the most deprived children at school.
We will engage volunteer to give tutorial to come up against the problem of teacher workload (Quality), within key subjects such as English, Mathematics and physics.

  • Challenge prejudices and Gender inequality

We will challenge prejudices and gender inequality by empowering mothers (women), promoting awareness of the value of education among local communities in collaboration with, higher officials, schools and local authorities, including, department for education, local/traditional leaders, soliciting their support to combat the inequalities in school.